The Evening - Pitcher&Piano    

Ash signs for Team Excalibur

The Allstars had a couple of post-match shandies in The Priory on Derby Road, before reconvening later in the city centre. It didn't take long after meeting in the Pitcher&Piano bar at 20:00 for the Allstars to take on excessive liquid refreshment. Negotiations commenced for former University 1st XI star, Ash (fresh from a shopping trip at the City Ground), to join up at Allstars 2004.







New recruit to the Allstars cause, Eamonn, can't believe his run of good luck. Not only did he score on his debut and is the WebMaster's brother-in-law, but he has nestled next to a serene Allstars Manager Sid. Now where's Max for my next photo opportunity, he wonders...




More alcoholic tomfoolery in the Pitcher&Piano, before the Allstars departed for the Dogma bar until the early hours of Sunday morning. The hardcore revellers then made a nostalgic, if culinary dubious, visit to the Sapna for a well-earned curry. Mercifully for a, shall we say sleepy Shaggy, no pictures exist of this particular episode.

To see what happened to Sid later, click here.

To return to Allstars 2003, click here.