"Team Sid - "Inter Milan" versus "Team Excalibur - "Haverstock" - Saturday 14th July, at Grove Farm, Nottingham    

Teams 2007

Back Row: left to right:
Steve Henderson; Jack Ness; Gary Boydell; Dave Eslick; Jeremy May; Simon Heath; Grant Murgatroyd; Ian Cook; Jack Hawkins; Brendon Eastwood; Craig McKinlay; Max Houllier; Marc Mullen.

Front Row: left to right:
Michael Bushby; Dean Shaw; Mo Aswat; Simon Fielding; Andrew McKinlay; Grant McKinlay; John Gilligan; Paul McGivern; Max Halliwell

Mascot: Agnes Mullen




A rare glorious summer's day in Nottingham, and a full 22 lined up for the annual game, thanks to a last minute dip into the local French player pool. Neither Mayor-elect Jim Higginbotham or his excuse turned up this year, after the usual promises. Two of the Notts Uni class of '90 failed to make it for genuinely decent reasons, after the work relocations of Graham Jackson and Dave Holburn to South Africa and Aberdeen, respectively. Book those flights early chaps for 2008. So, two new caps for Max Houllier and Paul McGivern.

  Man of the Match award.

Sheffy is Golden

Sheffy receives the Golden Magic Boot from a graciously sporting Sid. A number of worthy performers this year, but the Yorkshireman pipped them with his glorious penalty comp strike.


After the match and penalty competition, the players and families retired to the Rose & Crown on Derby Road for a post-match refreshment.

Rose & Crown

For the full match report, click here.

To view the penalty competition and post-match entertainment, click here.